President Samia rings changes in Ministers cabinet 2022

President Samia rings changes in Ministers cabinet 2022

President Samia Suluhu Hassan has on Saturday January 8, made a cabinet reshuffle that some commentators have quickly labeled as the President’s list of new loyalists. See also Ajira Portal 2021 | Ajira portal Login | Ajira portal register

Announcing the changes at State House in Dar es Salaam, the Chief Secretary, Ambassador Hussein Kattanga said the President has made structural changes in Three ministries.

The reshuffle comes few days after President Samia remarked that there will be a Cabinet reshuffle in which she would sideline members who have set their sights on the 2025 General Election.

Most notable absentees in the new reshuffle are Minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements William Lukuvi, Industry and Trade Minister Kitila Mkumbo, Constitution and Legal Affairs Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi

Also left out is Geoffrey Mwambe who was the minister of Investment.

The new cabinet sees former CCM publicity Secretary Nape Nauye bounce back to the cabinet in the ministry of Information, Communications and Information Technology (MICIT) whereas Ridhiwan Kikwete gets the nod as Deputy Minister of Land, Housing and Human settlements.

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On the other hand Hussein Bashe now becomes minister of Agriculture with Anthony Mavunde as his deputy.

Prof. Adolf Mkenda now becomes minister of education , Science and Technology.

Also on the list of winners are former Tanzania’s High Commissioner to Kenya, Dr Pindi Chana now becomes minister of State Prime Minister’s Office  (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Youth, Employment and Persons with Disability).

The newly formed ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry will now be headed by Dr Ashatu Kijaji with Exaud Kigahe as her deputy.

Innocent Bashungwa becomes the Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) from the Culture, Arts and Sports ministry.

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Mohammed Mchengerwa now succeeds Bashungwa at the ministry of Culture, Arts and Sports ministry. Prior to the new post he was the minister at the  President’s Office Good Governance and Public Services from the Prime Minister Office.

On the other hand, Prof Joyce Ndalichako becomes the Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister–Policy, Parliament, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled.

Dr. Anjelina Mabula succeeds William Lukuvi at the Land, Housing and Settlements Development ministry whereas Jenister Mhagama has been moved to the President’s Office Good Governance and Public Services.

From Home Affairs Ministry George Simbachawene will now head the Legal and Constitution Affairs ministry.

In the new changes Jumanne Sagini has been appointed as deputy minister of  Home Affairs whereas Stephen Kiruswa was named as deputy minister of minerals and Atupele Mwakibete deputy minister Transportation.

Ministries of finance, defence, energy, tourism and foreign affairs remained unchanged.

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In another development Khamis Hamza Chilo has been appointed  deputy minister at the Vice President’s Office Union Affairs s and Environment. Prior to the new post he was deputy minister of home affairs ministry.

Mr Hamad Chande has been appointed deputy minister of Finance and Planning.

“All the appointees will be sworn in on January 10, at the State House Chamwino, Dodoma,” said Amb. Kattanga.

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The five newly appointed ministers are Nape Nnauye (Information, Communication and Information Technology), Hamad Masauni (Home Affairs), Dr Pindi Chana (Parliamentary Policy and Coordination), Angelina Mabula (Land) and Husein Bashe (Agriculture).

President Samia has also appointed new deputy ministers in five ministries.

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The newly appointed deputy ministers include Anthony Mavunde (Agriculture), Jumanne Sagini (Home Affairs) Dr. Lemomo Kiruswa (Minerals), Ridhiwani Kikwete (Land) and Atupele Mwakibete (Construction and Transport).