Best 10 Primary Schools in Lisburn

Best 10 Primary Schools in Lisburn is an informative article for best primary schools in lisburn, harmony hill primary school, primary schools near me, brownlee primary school, best primary schools in northern ireland.

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Lisburn is a city in Northern Ireland. It is 8 mi (13 km) southwest of Belfast city centre, on the River Lagan, which forms the boundary between County Antrim and County Down. First laid out in the 17th century by English and Welsh settlers, with the arrival of French Huguenots in the 18th century, the town developed as a global centre of the linen industry.

What is the best primary school in Lisburn?

When it comes to quality education, you can’t put Lisburn last, that’s why many guardians and parents when it comes to finding a school for their children, they have to think of schools in Lisburn. Through this Article you will see for yourself the 10 Best Primary Schools in Lisburn, Northern Ireland.

1. Parkview Special School

Number one of our list is Parkview Special School, Through this school Pupils are taught in small classes ranging from 2 to 10 pupils. There are currently 24 classes each with a teacher and a classroom assistant. Some classes have an additional classroom assistant to support particular educational programmes or pupils.

2. Ballymacash Primary School Nursery Unit & Primary

Ballymacash Nursery Unit welcomes children and their family circles to our bright and friendly environment. Ballymacash is a learning institute that provides a warm and welcoming environment for children and their family.

The unit consists of two part time classes of 26 children and is fortunate not only to have a large, bright, unique playroom but also a beautiful natural garden which is presently being developed. We are well resourced with play equipment which is constantly being updated.

3. Brownless Primary School

Brownlee Primary School, which is situated along Wallace Avenue, in the heart of Lisburn’s Historic Quarter, was originally built in 1913, with a two-storey extension added in 1960.

The school aims to provide a rich and varied experience for all children, in order to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of each child in a pleasant, caring and happy environment. Alongside the development of competence in the basic skills, emphasis is placed upon developing confidence, self-esteem and consideration for others in order for each child to reach their full potential.

Although Brownlee is a relatively small school of around 200 pupils, it strives to give each child the opportunities they might receive in a larger school, while still maintaining a caring family atmosphere.

4. Pond Park Primary School

Pond Park Primary School has a proud tradition of pastoral care, academic standards and extra-curricular opportunities.

With school motto, ‘Ut Omnes Curremus’ translates as ‘We Care For All’; we believe in caring for the child as an individual and ensure they reach their all-round potential.

Whether you are a prospective parent, pupil – past or present, I trust you enjoy exploring our website and that it illustrates the breadth and quality of all that makes up Pond Park.

5. Killowen Primary School

Killowen Primary School and Nursery Unit enjoys a fine reputation as a great school providing quality learning and teaching for children aged three to eleven.

Killowen Primary School offer a stimulating learning and teaching environment where children from all traditions and cultures are welcomed, respected and nurtured together. Emphasis is placed on the positive and supportive environment in our school in which every child can feel secure, work happily and benefit from a curriculum rich in inspiring experiences.

6. Dumumy Primary School

The school has qualified, enthusiastic and amazing teachers who are ready to imbibe into your children the knowledge needed to become the best among their peers. Their nursery unit has excellent facilities and also provides a conducive learning environment for the students.

Some of the unique programmes run by the school include the promotion of the children’s oral language and listening skills, the promotion of their personal, social and emotional development, and their understanding of early mathematical language. A smooth relationship exists between the staff and the parents which makes the Parent Teacher Association thrive and flourish.

7. Downshire Primary School

The school recognises that the Hillsborough Area, in which Downshire Primary is situated, has increased greatly in population in recent years. It has benefited from the rich inflow of people mostly from other parts of Northern Ireland but also but also form the remainder of these islands and indeed from a over the world.

Within its Christian ethos Downshire Primary School welcomes the children from all faiths and none.

The school is proud of its robust and caring pastoral provision and especially of the way in which it is implemented and seeks to promote an ethos of inclusivity in response to the diverse community it serves.

8. Good Shepherd Primary School

The Good Shepherd Primary School is committed to Fostering a supportive and caring community Nurturing talents Striving for success Building Belief.

The curriculum refers to all those learning experiences, which the school provides for your child. Our aim is to offer each child a broad and balanced curriculum including Literacy, Numeracy, The World Around Us, The Arts and P.E.

Throughout the school, pupils are organised in mixed ability class groupings according to their age. When planning the curriculum, we take into account the uniqueness of each child and his/her own personal needs.

9. Lisnagarvey High School

Lisnagarvey High School began life in September 1957 as Lisnagarvey Boys Secondary Intermediate School, the first school of its kind in the Antrim County Education area. It was built at a cost of £190,000, a sum, which at the time was considered to be an extraordinary amount of money to spend on education.

When the school was officially opened on September 11th by Mr A N Stevenson OBE, JP, Chairman of the Lisburn Urban Council, 750 boys took up residence in four year groups with 21 classes.

Two hundred guests attended the Opening Ceremony at which Mr Stevenson hoped that the boys would not take too literally the meaning of Lisnagarvey – “The fort of the gamesters”. To those critical of the high cost of the school he had this to say: “It is easy for people to talk about the enormous cost of education but look back at the years when education was neglected and teachers were paid a mere pittance. We have to march with the times and we cannot have our cake and eat it. If we are to have the best schools we must pay for them.”

10. Anahitt Primary School

Number 10 on our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Lisburn is Anahitt Primary School. Anahitt prides itself in nurturing and teaching students to become independent, self-reliant and resourceful through the application of a challenging and dynamic curriculum administered throughout their time in the school.

Anahitt is of the Lisburn and Castlereagh district council and it only admits children between the ages of 4 and 11.

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  • St Mary’s Primary School
  • Braidside Integrated Primary School
  • Carrick Primary School
  • St Ronan’s Primary School