Chief Accoutant Job at KDCU Karagwe Tanzania 2023

Chief Accoutant Job at KDCU Karagwe Tanzania 2023
Chief Accoutant Job at KDCU Karagwe Tanzania 2023

Are you searching for Chief Accoutant Job at KDCU Karagwe Tanzania 2023, Nafasi za Kazi KDCU, nafasi za kazi kiwanda cha kahawa, Job vacancies at KDCU?

Karagwe District Co-operative Union Ltd (KDCU) is looking for willing candedate to work on their campany as a Chief Accoutant.

Chief Accoutant Job at KDCU Karagwe Tanzania 2023

KDCU is a short term of Karagwe District Co-operative Union Ltd located in Karagwe, Kagera Tanzania.

Karagwe District Co-operative Union Ltd (KDCU) is an organisation of small-scale coffee growers in the Kagera region in the northwest corner of Tanzania, about 200 miles south of the equator.

The region has a population of around 408,000 and shares borders with Uganda to the north, Rwanda and Burundi to the west, and Lake Victoria to the east.

The KDCU head office is in Kayanga, about 100 miles west of Bukoba, the regional capital.

KDCU Ltd is a union of village-level co-operatives (known as rural primary societies) registered under the Tanzania Government Co-operative Societies Act. It was formed in 1990 when coffee farmers from Karagwe region broke away from Kagera Co-operative Union (KCU) to form their own union.

They decided that KCU, which is based in Bukoba, was geographically too far away for them to be able to adequately represent their interests at board meetings, and that forming a new union would bring services closer to the farmers, cut costs and improve production through increased motivation.

Membership of KDCU has grown from 50 to 76 primary societies with 17,838 individual members. 

Farmers in Karagwe district own small plots of land, with an average farm size of just 0.8 hectares. Coffee is the main cash crop, grown alongside small quantities of food crops including matoke (green bananas), cassava, beans, yams, maize and vegetables. Some also keep a few livestock such as cattle, pigs and chickens. 

The main concerns for KDCU members are access to clean water, healthcare, and education for their children.

While the community has contributed significantly to the construction of primary and secondary schools, there still aren’t sufficient secondary school places to accommodate all the children who want to attend.

By increasing Fairtrade sales, KDCU will have the opportunity to invest the additional premium money in addressing these ongoing problems.  

How to apply Nafasi za Kazi KDCU?

To apply Nafasi za Kazi KDCU (Job vacancies at KDCU) please read the pdf below and send through the given adress. The deadline will be 10th January 2024.

Download the KDCU JOB Advert HERE

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