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nfsa application for 2022

NSFAS is an acronym for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. NSFAS is a South African government unit involved in providing financial assistance to students from poor families.

This support aims to enable students to afford higher education in order to achieve their dreams.

Many students from poor families go through various challenges that lead them to miss out their dreams. To avoid the future of this challenge, the South African government set up the NSFAS unit to save a wave of needy children from poor families.

Table of Contents

myNSFAS student portal 2023/2024 | my nfsas account

NSFAS: The National Student Financial Aid Scheme

NSFAS is a government entity under the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) established according to the NSFAS Act (Act 56 of 1999) to provide financial support to disadvantaged students who wish to further their studies at public universities or TVET colleges.

It receives funds from the Government and then grants them to students.

NSFAS administers several different loan and bursary schemes, but the major one is the DHET Bursary.

This article deals specifically with the requirements for this DHET bursary and the NSFAS online application process.

Is NSFAS open for 2023 applications?

The online application for the National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the academic year 2023-2024 is open from September 1 to November.

Is NSFAS application still open for 2023?

NSFAS applications will open 4 July 2023 and will close on 22 July 2023 for TVET Colleges across South Africa. When applying students will be required to provide the following supporting documents when submitting their applications:

How do I apply for NSFAS online 2023?

  1. Visit NSFAS Application 2023 website:
  2. Then, you click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab.
  3. Create a myNSFAS account. …
  4. Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab.
  5. Update your personal information.
  6. Answer the questions you see on the screen.
  7. Upload all the required supporting documents.

The DHET Bursary

Up to 2017, NSFAS was a loan scheme, and students had to repay the money, plus interest, once they completed their studies, started working, and were earning at least R30,000 per month.

The rationale for this system was that the fund would always be replenished by these repayments to be available for new students. These rules remain for all studies sponsored up to and including 2017.

However, the South African Government has since the end of 2017 pledged that education should be free for underprivileged and working-class students.

As a result, from the 2018 academic year, NSFAS has implemented a new DHET bursary scheme that does not have to be repaid. All studies from 2018, whether for new or returning students, will be free, although some conditions apply.

My nsfas Application 2022

How does NSFAS work? – My NSFAS status

The NSFAS administers funds for approved programs at 26 public universities and 50 TVET Colleges in South Africa. The goal is to provide financial aid and other support to ensure student success and improved throughput.

The rules for the DHET bursary are set out in the following documents:

  • Guidelines for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Bursary Scheme for Students at Public Universities – issued by the Department of Higher Education and Training
  • Bursary Agreement Terms and Conditions (which forms part of the NSFAS Bursary agreement)

nfsas requirements and Eligibility:

In order for a student to get a loan from NSFAS it is necessary to have the following criteria:

my nsfas application 2023/2024 Financial eligibility

  1. All South African citizens (there is no age limit)
  2. Every recipient of a SASSA grant.
  3. Applicants whose combined household income is not more than R350 000 per annum.
  4. A person with a disability –  combined household income must not be more than R600 000 per annum
  5. Students who started studying before 2018 whose household income is not more than R122 000 per annum.

My nsfas Application 2023/2024 Academic eligibility

Minimum requirement: For a TVET course, the student must have passed at least Grade 9.  For a University course, Grade 12 with university exemption (bachelor’s pass). Also, depending on the academic course, there will be further academic admission requirements.

To be eligible for an NSFAS bursary, the following are the requirements

  • The student must have received confirmation of admission into a public higher education institution for an approved funded qualification
  • Returning students must be registered for the relevant academic year and must satisfy the minimum progression requirements of the educational institution and progression rules in terms of the DHET National Rules and Guidelines

Who should not apply for nsfas 2023/2024?

  • Students that have completed a previous qualification.
  • Students with a combined household income of more than R350 000 per annum.
  • Foreign students (any student who is not a South African citizen).
  • Students who have already applied, qualified, and received funding. They are automatically funded for the duration of their studies, provided they pass their modules and meet the academic requirements.

NSFAS will verify all students’ information with the South African Revenue Services (SARS), Dept of Home Affairs, credit bureaus, educational institutions, banks, or any other relevant source.

NSFAS has access to the National Integrated Social Protection Information System (NISPIS) to verify data, especially for SASSA beneficiaries. The student and parents/guardians will be required to give consent for NSFAS to use personal information for this purpose.

Documents Needed To Apply For My Nsfas Application 2023/2024

1. Documents needed for all applicants

Applicants must supply copies of the following documents. All documents must be certified, with the certification being less than three months old.

  • Proof of acceptance/registration at a university or TVET college
  • ID document or unabridged birth certificate of the applicant
  • ID documents of parents, guardian, or spouse
  • Applicant’s proof of income or one year’s IRP5 (if applicable)
  • Parents, guardian, or spouse’s proof of income (salary slips/pensions slips if applicable/affidavit if unemployed)

2. Exceptions/special requirements –

  • Students who are SASSA grant recipients do not have to provide SASSA slips or proof of income.
  • Applicants with disabilities must submit a completed and signed Disability Annexure A form
  • Applicants recognised by the Department of Social Development as “vulnerable child” must submit a completed and signed Vulnerable Child Declaration Form

If applicable, applicants should also submit copies of the following documents:

  • Retrenchment letter
  • Death certificate/s
  • Divorce decree

Special Note for nsfas login 2023/2024

Documents do not have to be certified due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Signed consent forms are not required. Ticking the box in the application gives consent for NSFAS to use personal information for official purposes.

Payment protocols for my nsfas application 2023/2024

A full bursary covers tuition and registration plus allowances, based on each student’s circumstances to cover accommodation and/or meals, and/or transport and personal costs. Payments are managed as follows:

  • Tuition fees are paid directly to the educational institution and reflect a credit against the student’s account.  The amount covers the actual cost of tuition for the qualification, plus any registration fees that might apply. Payment intervals are agreed between NSFAS and the institution.
  • Allowances may be adjusted and will be published in the DHET National Rules and Guidelines for each year. Payment protocols depend on each student’s circumstances and choices:
    • If the student stays in accommodation provided by the educational institution, then the relevant amounts will be paid directly to the institution.
    • Allowances may be paid to the academic institutions and then transferred into the student’s bank account.
    • Alternatively, the allowance may be paid in the form of an NSFAS-Wallet voucher into the student’s NSFAS-Wallet account, linked to the student’s cell phone. The vouchers can be redeemed at participating NSFAS-Wallet vendors.
    • Cash can be withdrawn from the wallets at Checkers, U-Save, and selected Spar stores.

My Nsfas Application 2023/2024 Student Obligations And Warranties

To remain eligible for the bursary

Students have the following obligations if they wish to remain eligible for the bursary:

  • Attendance and participation in lectures, tutorials, and academic support programmes as required by the education institution. TVET students must attend at least 80% of all classes.
  • Meeting due performance in terms of assignments and tasks
  • Undergoing the required tests and examinations
  • Satisfying the minimum progression requirements of the educational institution and as per the DHET Rules and Guidelines

Other Requirements Listed In Rules And Guidelines For My Nsfas Application 2023/2024

  • Obeying the rules and codes of conduct of the education institution and pursuing the qualification with commitment and dedication
  • Keeping NSFAS informed of any changes of information recorded in the Bursary agreement. This might include changes in personal details such as address, telephone or email, a change in qualification, a notice of suspension or expulsion from the educational institution, details of employer, both during studies and after completion,  details of any additional funding received outside of the NSFAS bursary.

Completion of studies – the n+1 rule

Students are expected to complete the qualification within the period as prescribed by the DHET. Currently, the requirement is n+1 – ie within the standard period for completing the qualification plus one additional year.

Students may amend or change their qualification at the end of the first year only. However, this first year will be counted in the n+1 formula.

The n+1 formula also applies to students who had years/semester of study funded from elsewhere. The n+1 applies to actual years of study, not to years funded by NSFAS.

Service to the community and the country

Students have community service obligations that must be completed from the second year and every subsequent academic year. (Note that while this is in the Bursary Agreement Terms and Conditions this requirement has not yet been fully implemented.)

After completing their studies, students are required to remain in South Africa and participate in the economy in some form, for at least as long as they benefitted from the bursary.

They may travel out of the country to complete a further qualification but must return to South Africa after completion to contribute to the SA economy in return for the bursary.

What does the bursary for my nsfas application 2023/2024 cover?

The amounts may change every year. The maximums applicable for 2023 are as follows:

  1. University
  • Registration and tuition fees for approved funded degrees and diplomas
  • Allowances:
    • For students staying in a university residence
      • Accommodation: As per the actual costs charged by the university
      • Books: To a maximum of R5 200 per annum
      • Meals (including incidental allowance): To a maximum of R15 000
    • For students living off-campus in family accommodation
      • Books: To a maximum of R5 200 per annum
      • Meals (including incidental allowance): To a maximum of R15 000
      • Transport: To a maximum of R7 500
    • For students living off-campus in private accredited accommodation
      • Accommodation: To a maximum of R34 400
      • Books: To a maximum of R5 200 per annum
      • Meals (including incidental allowance): To a maximum of R15 000
    • Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum for students in catered residences
    • For Distance Learning students (eg at Unisa)
      • Books (only if registered for at least ten modules for the year): Up to R5 200
      • Incidental/personal care allowance: R2900 per annum
  • TVET
  • Registration and tuition fees
  • College accommodation (Hostels): R33,000 per annum. For students who live further than 40 km from the academic institution.
  • Private accommodation
    • In an urban area R24,000 per annum
    • In a peri-urban area R18,900 per annum
    • In a rural area R15,750 per annum
  • Transport (up to 40 km from the institution): R7,350  per annum or R735 per month, payable monthly only to students who do not qualify for college accommodation
  • Meal allowance: R7, 350 per annum or R735 per month, payable where College accommodation does not include meals. It is not payable to those in private accommodation, as this is included in the accommodation allowance.
  • Incidental/personal care allowance: R2900 per annum, paid at R290 per month from February to November.

Special Notes on Funding For My Nsfas Application 2023/2024

  • There is a maximum capped amount payable to students who were registered at a tertiary institution before 2018. For 2020, the amount was R93 400. If the qualifying NSFAS costs exceed the maximum, then payments will be made in the following order of priority:
  1. Tuition
  2. Books
  3. Accommodation
  4. Meals
  5. Transport
  • Allowances are paid in the first week of each month from February to November
  • Transport allowances are paid only to students who do not also receive an accommodation allowance.
  • Private accommodation:
    • The landlord must be accredited by the educational institution where the student is registered
    • When students apply to stay in private accommodation, they must supply both a rental agreement and their home address
    • NSFAS will not pay for deposits for private or any other accommodation
  • Students should check with their educational institutions for closing dates for applications for accommodation.
  • Students with disabilities can also receive funding for supportive devices such as wheelchairs, special computer devices, and human support, depending on the student’s needs.
  • If a student has financial support from another source covering a portion of the study costs, NSFAS will pay only the difference required to cover the cost fully. Students and educational institutions are required to inform NSFAS of any other support they receive.
  • Any part of the bursary amount paid to the institution for tuition fees and other related costs not utilized during the academic year will be returned to NSFAS.
  • NSFAS does not pay for the following:
    • Courses that are not on the list of funded programmes
    • Outstanding balances
    • Fines
    • Doctor’s fees
    • Breakage costs
    • Fridge rental, etc.

Repayment of bursary amounts

Repayment will be required under the following circumstances:

  • Students who completed all or part of their studies before 2018 must start repaying once they are employed and earn at least R30 000 per month. If the student passed all subjects in a given year or semester, 40% of the total amount was converted to a bursary, and only 60% would have to be repaid

No time limit is given for repayment since this is determined by the debtor’s salary and ability to repay.

NSFAS can make deductions directly from a student’s bank account or his/her salary if necessary. Those who are unemployed are not expected to repay.

Compound interest will be added to the outstanding amount from the date on which NSFAS claims the amount from the student.

  • Students who received funding from 2018 must repay if they decide to emigrate from South Africa before they have completed a period of contribution to the country’s economy, equivalent to the number of years they received funding. NSFAS will take legal action against emigrating students who do not repay the full amount owing.
  • Students will have to repay if they have intentionally submitted untrue or incorrect information to NSFAS. In this case, NSFAS may institute criminal and/or civil proceedings against the student and/or the student’s parents or legal guardians.

How to apply for NSFAS funding 2023/2024?

Students need a functioning cellphone, a valid cellphone number, and their own email addresses to apply for funding. If they do not have a cellphone, they may use a trusted guardian or relative’s phone.

1. Online applications

Students can register online via a smartphone, a personal computer, or using the facilities at application centres.

  1. Visit and create your myNSFAS account.
  2. Ticking the box to allow NSFAS to verify your details replaces the consent form
  3. Remember to submit a copy of BOTH sides of the ID card
  4. The email address will be your username
  5. Choose your password, and keep it in a place where you can find it if you forget it in the future
  6. After creating the account, log in and click the Apply tab: fill in your personal/required information and upload your supporting documents. Note that much of the information will be automatically pre-populated as the NSFAS system matches the applicant’s ID to records at the Departments of Social Development, Home Affairs, and Education.
  7. Once you have filled in all required information, click on the ‘Submit’ option to complete your application and note your application Reference number. This reference number is proof that you have applied.
  8. Track the progress of your application on your myNSFAS account.

2. Manual applications

Students in rural areas or without access to the internet can go to an NYDA office to collect and submit paper version application forms:

  • NYDA offices (16 branches across the country) are open during office hours from Monday to Friday. Get information at –
  • The NYDA office will provide an acknowledgement of receipt card with a barcode that matched the barcode on the application documents.

3. Other application centers

The DHET is rolling out other places for applicants to apply and/or use computers and internet connections.

  1. Department of Basic Education (DBE) District Teacher Development Centres (students must make an appointment with the Centre Manager to use these facilities)
  2. Thusong Centres (community development centres)
  3. The list of Thusong and Teacher centres per province is available at

Resources to assist with NSFAS applications

Multiple online resources will assist the student in applying. Some of them for the 2022 process include:

  • Video on how to create an email
  • WhatsApp video or print poster on how to apply
  • WhatsApp video on who qualifies and the supporting documents required
  • Application brochure

How to activate an NSFAS wallet?

The best way to active NSFAS wallet include:-

  1. Make sure you have signed your LAF/ SOP. (These are your online Loan Agreement Form (LAF)  or Schedule of Particulars (SOP))
  2. Receive an SMS welcoming you to Mobile Wallet.
  3. Verify your account by dialling *120*176# and reply with your ID number.
  4. Receive a password that you will use when transacting.
  5. Your vouchers will be made available for spending.

How to unblock a NSFAS locked wallet?

A wallet will be locked if the incorrect password is entered three times. To unblock it:

  1. Log on to your myNSFAS account
  2. Go to NSFAS Connect
  3. Create a case
  4. Use your cell phone to take a picture of both sides of your ID and submit it
  5. Provide your cell number
  6. Indicate that your NSFAS wallet has been blocked.

If you cannot log in to the account, you can request NSFAS via email or their social media inbox (DM).

How to change a cell phone number or email address

  • Log on to your myNSFAS account using your username (email address) and password.
  • Click Personal Details on the top of your screen.
  • Update your cell phone number and email address.
  • Click Update
  • A one-time pin (OTP) will be sent to the new number and email address
  • Enter the OTP and click Submit

How can I download NSFAS application form?

Visit the NSFAS website and download a copy of the application form pdf. Then, hand in your completed application form and supporting documents to the Financial Aid Office (FAO) at your University or FET college.

Scan or email your completed application form and supporting documents to NSFAS at

Can I apply for NSFAS via email?

email your completed application form and supporting documents to NSFAS at

How to reset myNSFAS login details/recover my NSFAS account

  • Go to, click on myNSFAS, and select “forgot password”.
  • Type in ID number and indicate the help required: password or username or both. Clicks submit.
  • The username and link to change password will be sent via SMS and email. Follow the instructions.

my nsfas org za online application | myNSFAS student portal

Top 15 Questions Asked By NSFAS Students – NSFAS Application Questions

Jobwikis has collected a list of 15 questions asked by student during NSFAS application. We have also suggested best answer to make you legible for a Loan.

  1. How will I know whether my application has been successful?

NSFAS will communicate application results to applicants once it has received confirmation of an academic offer from the educational Institution.

Notifications will be sent to applicants before the start of the academic year via SMS, email, and myNSFAS accounts.

Students can track the progress of their application through their myNSFAS accounts.

  1. Do I have to pay for registration if my NSFAS funds were approved?

No. Registration fees will be included in the first payments made by NSFAS to educational institutions, and NSFAS students will not be blocked from registering at the institution.

  1. Does NSFAS have an age limit?

The DHET bursary administered by NSFAS does not have an age limit.

Some of the other bursaries administered by NSFAS (eg Funza Lushaka teaching bursary, Social Work Scholarship, etc) do have age limits. See details on the website at

  1. Does NSFAS give you a laptop?

Students can use their book allowance to purchase laptops or tablets.

During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, it was decided that both University and TVET students who didn’t already have laptops would be provided with free laptops to facilitate online learning.

There has been a delay in procuring these laptops, with tender notices going out only in September 2020.

  1. Will NSFAS fund me if I fail a module?

According to the NSFAS policy agreement, students must pass at least 50% of their modules and meet the academic requirements of their institution to continue receiving financial aid during their study period.

There is a limit of time on funding. The n+1 formula prescribes that NSFAS will pay for only the standard length of time required for a course plus one additional year.

NSFAS will not pay for repeated modules for higher certificates.

  1. Does NSFAS fund Postgraduate students?

Mostly no. The exceptions are for courses that are a professional requirement for employment. Examples include:

  • PGCE – Postgraduate Certificate in Education
  • PGDA – Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
  • Various B Tech courses
  1. Does NSFAS fund studies at private colleges and universities?

No. NSFAS funds only approved courses at 26 public universities and 50 TVET colleges in South Africa. They do not fund private institutions such as Damelin or Varsity.

  1. Does NSFAS fund short courses at universities?

No. NSFAS funds only full undergraduate degree or diploma courses.

  1. Can I be funded for both TVET and University studies?

A student can only be funded for one qualification at one institution at any one time. If the student completed an N6 qualification at a TVET college, he/she may be funded at a university. Once the N6 is complete, the student will need to apply for funding for the university.

  1. Can I be funded for a second qualification?

Students who have already obtained a prior university qualification do not qualify and should not apply for funding. Students who have completed TVET N6 qualifications cannot be funded at a TVET college again but can be funded at university.

  1. How does NSFAS work if I take a gap year?

Funding continues automatically from year to year, provided the student meets progression requirements. If funding is not utilised for a year, the bursary will be cancelled, and the student will have to reapply.

  1. Which disabilities are covered?

A disability is defined as a long-term impairment that has lasted or is likely to persist for at least 12 months, which is recurring and substantially limiting. NSFAS includes chronic diseases as disabilities; these include HIV/AIDS, diabetes, asthma, cancer, and tuberculosis (TB).

  1. My parent/guardian is unemployed or is employed in the informal sector. What proof must I submit?

An affidavit will be accepted; however, NSFAS will verify the employment status through government entities and 3rd party agencies.

  1. Do I need to apply for 2022 funding or each semester if I am currently approved?

No, students currently funded by NSFAS are not required to reapply. NSFAS will automatically renew their bursaries once it receives confirmation of successful academic results from the educational institutions.

  1. Does NSFAS affect my credit score?

NSFAS reserves the right to report students who do not fulfil their debt obligations to credit bureaus. In recent years, NSFAS has used debt collectors’ services to follow up on outstanding loans for studies undertaken up to and including 2017.

When are the opening and closing dates for NSFAS applications for 2023/2024?

The NSFAS Application Window is expected to open and closed based on the following lines:-

  • Opening date: 1 SEPTEMBER 2023
  • Closing date: 30 NOVEMBER 2023

nsfas application status for 2023/2024

Here there is helpful information on how to track your NSFAS application, or you are unsure what the meaning of your application status is, here is how to track your application status and what the results of that might mean for you.

my nsfas status check 2023 login

If you’re waiting to hear back from NSFAS about whether or not you’re funded, you can track your application on the myNSFAS student portal.

How to track your application status:

  1. Login on the myNSFAS portal here
  2. Enter your username and password and sign in
  3. Click on Track Funding Progress

Once there, there are a number of results you might receive. Here are what you could receive and what they mean:

Application Submitted: Your application has been loaded on to the NSFAS system successfully.

Filtering: The system checks if you are a returning student and whether you have any previous qualifications.

Validation: NSFAS is conducting third party checks with SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs.

Evaluation: NSFAS is verifying all the documents you have submitted during your application.

Funding Eligibility: NSFAS is verifying your household financial status that was declared in your application.

Awaiting Academic Results/Admission: NSFAS is checking your academic results and your institution admission status to ensure that you meet the requirements to be funded by NSFAS. Many find themselves to stay on this step for a while. This is because NSFAS has to wait for information from your chosen institution.

NSFAS application form 2023 pdf download

Awaiting Registration: NSFAS is receiving data from your institution to enable them to create a bursary agreement. This is another step students find themselves on for a while. This is because NSFAS has to wait for information from your chosen institution.

Signing Of Agreement: At this stage, you need to sign your bursary agreement so that NSFAS can disburse your allowances.

Payments: Your allowances are now being paid either through NSFAS mobile wallet system or through your institution. Students are advised to continue to monitor the myNSFAS portal for updates.

The Management of the Central Applications Office (CAO) has enabled the login portal for checking the application status 2023. This information is only relevant for those Who have already carried out the application and want to do the cao status checking for 2023 applications.

Best Ways For Cao Status Check 2023/2024 Via Cao Login

With the CAO User Login, One can easily check His/Her CAO Progress. Use the link below to access the User Login Page for Applicants.

Check your Admission Status – how to apply for nsfas  2023/2024

If you wish to apply to CAO and are yet to receive a 2023 CAO application number, click on the button “Apply” from the menu to start your application.


For a new password to log in and complete your CAO application or Upload Documents, Click here.

To find your CAO Number or check the status of your application, click here.

Institution Users:

If you are having trouble logging in, please contact CAO.

The Office Active contact hours are 09:30 to 13:00, and 14:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Phone Numbers

Call Centre: 031 268 4444

Share Call: 086 0860 CAO / 086 0860 226

Fax Number: 086 622 8828

If faxing from outside South Africa use +27 31 268 4422

Physical Address

Gate 11, Central Services Complex – UKZN, Mary Thiphe Street (Cato Manor Road), Cato Manor, Durban

Postal Address

Private Bag X06, Dalbridge 4014


At certain points during the application process phone lines will be extremely busy and we advise all applicants to send their queries through the online contact us form.

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Nsfas Consent Form 2023/2024 Pdf Download

Once you have applied to The National Student Financial Aid Scheme, you would be asked to fill and submit the NSFAS consent form so that your application is completed and can be processed.

Without the consent form, you are not able to submit your NSFAS online application successfully.

What is a consent form?

A Consent Form gives written permission to another party that they understand the terms of an event or activity that will be performed.

Most often NSFAS uses this form to ensure that the personal information obtained from third parties is treated confidentially and to protecting the privacy of the persons whose personal information is made available to NSFAS.

The financial aid scheme is further committed to protecting personal information and using that personal information in a lawful manner.

Therefore, you and your parents or guardians are required to provide consent for NSFAS to use and verify the information you provide by signing the NSFAS Consent form.

Where to download nsfas consent form in pdf 2023/2024

Nsfas consent form is always free to download. You can download the form in a pdf format.

Click here to access the consent form.

NSFAS Consent form example

Best Ways to fill the nsfas consent form

Filling the nsfas consent form is not a difficult process.

  • Just enter the correct info where needed.
  • Ensure you go through or review the form, correcting any mistake you might make in the process.
  • Any false or inaccurate information or documentation submitted may render the application ineligible and you may be subject to legal action.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand anything.

New Way To Submit Nsfas Consent Form – nsfas application

Once you have completed the form, go to the MyNSFAS portal and log in. You will see the option to upload your outstanding supporting documents. Once the documents have been uploaded click on the tab ‘Submit Documents‘.

The process is complete once all documents are uploaded and you receive a notification that says ‘Outstanding application documents submitted successfully uploaded‘.

If you did upload the documents but there was a problem the most common issue is that the documents are not clear. If you have a problem taking photos with your cellphone you can go to an NSFAS or an NYDA office and they will assist you.

If there is not an NSFAS or NYDA office near you, and you have applied to a college or varsity then ask their fees office to assist you.

Once you’ve applied, log in to track your NSFAS Status.

Www nsfas org za Online Application 2023/2024 Login

NSFAS has made it clear that beneficiaries were receiving allowances during 2020 and will continue to pay allowances in 2023/2024 even though funds are currently constrained.

NSFAS has stated, “Although the available funding at NSFAS is severely constrained, we will continue to provide living allowances to those students who qualify for the period of the extended academic year”.

Usually, NSFAS will have a late applications period but along with saying that allowances will continue to be paid, the Minister also announced that NSFAS will not reopen their application system. This he said is due to the financial aid scheme having received an overwhelming number of applications already.

Nzimande said, “Given the high numbers of applications received for NSFAS, funding late applications will not be accepted in 2023/2024.”

How do I provide proof of registration to NSFAS?

Follow the below step-by-step guide to upload your documents to NSFAS.

  1. Go to
  2. Log into your MyNSFAS Account.
  3. Click on “Upload Outstanding Supporting Documents”
  4. A window will appear on your computer screen (Select the documents files)
  5. Click on “Submit Documents”

Where do I send my NSFAS consent form?

You can download the consent form from and submit to

NSFAS Contact Details- Best ways to contact NSFAS

Below are the NSFAS contact details:

  1. NSFAS Connect: and login to the myNSFAS platform.

This is an interactive platform to replace the contact centre. Students can use it for queries via social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and NSFAS Chat. Online Application 2023 Login – nsfas application

  1. Email:
  2. Facebook: National Student Financial Aid Scheme
  3. Instagram: myNSFAS
  4. Twitter: myNSFAS
  5. YouTube: