Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023 | Soneb Exam results 2023

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Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023

Are you searching for Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023,banaadir exam 2023,soneb exam somali, imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023, Soneb Exam results 2023 , soneb gov so, banadir exams so,exam gobolka banaadir 2023,banaadir exam?

Somali ministry of education will soon announce the examination results for both grade 8 & 12 students. read this article very careful to get all the insights concerning the Soneb Exam results 2023.

Read also Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 8aad 2023 | natiijada ardayga 2023

Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023 | Soneb Exam results 2023

Since the last year the government of Somalia has been providing scholarships to top 10 students in secondary schools who have did their best and we also expecting the same process to be take for both the grade 8 and grade 12 students this year.

The ministry of education has for the first time launched a website that will allow students to check their results online and real-time (

Students can check their performance via online profile provided, read this article very careful to get all the information concerning the Soneb Exam results 2023.

How to check Soneb Exam results 2023 Somalia

the following steps will help you check the soneb exam results for both grade 8 and 12

  1. go to
  2. then choose the grade your looking for imtixaanka fasalka 8aad 2023 or imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2023
  3. you can also check for students results (natijaada ardayga), school results (natijaada dugsiga) and request certficate (hubi shahado)
  4. Enter the Roll number and Trace your results,banadir exams so

Soneb Exam results 2022 check here

NB: The requirements for passing the exam are:

  • As a student of Somalia your average of the top 7 subjects is not less than 60%
  • At least 50% is not less than 7 subjects in the general subjects.

Natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12aad 2022/2023

Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxa ay ogaysiinaysa bahda waxbarashada, waalidiinta iyo ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee-u- fariisatay Imtixaanki sanad dugsiyeedka 2022/2023, in lagu dhawaaqi doono maalinta beri ah natiijada Imtixaanka shahaadiga ah ee Fasalka 12aad sanad dugsiyeedka 2022/2023.

so thank you for reading this article and we are sure it has helped you, when checking for the Soneb Exam results 2022 Somalia if you have any problem you can contact the somalia national examination board (soneb) team using the email:

Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta sare ee Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta shaacisay natiijada imtixaanka fasalka 12-aad ee sanad dugsiyeedka 2022/2023.

Sida ay sheegtay Wasaaraddu, 33,468 arday ayaa u fariistay imtixiinka, 32,325 arday ayaa gudubtay halka ay 1,143 ay u suura gali weysay in ay gudbaan (Dhacay), taasoo ka dhigan sanadkii ugu dhicitaanka yaraa.

Ardeyda Sanadkaan Imtaxaanka u fariistay intooda badan waxa ay ku galeen Gobalka Banaadir kuwaas oo tiradooda ay gaareyso, 23,702 arday, tirada ka baastay ayaa gaareysa 22,602,  halka 1,100 dhaceen.

Maamulka Puntland ayaan ka qeyb galin Imtixaanka, xilli Wasaaradda Waxbarashadu ay sheegtay in ay wax ka badashay hannaankii hore ee imtaxaanka loo sixi jiray, 60% lagana dhigay 50%. (Baasid & Dhicid).

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