Road to Democracy Essay Grade 12 Memo 1990 to 1994 Pdf Download

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Road to democracy essay grade 12 memo

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Road to Democracy Essay Grade 12 Memo 1990 to 1994 Pdf Download

In South Africa, a memorandum refers to a document that serves as an official communication within the education system.

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Memorandums are commonly used in schools and educational institutions to convey important information, instructions, or announcements to teachers, staff members, and students.

Memorandums in South African education often cover a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Curriculum and Assessment: Memorandums may provide guidance on curriculum implementation, changes in assessment methods, or updates on examination procedures.
  2. Policies and Regulations: They may communicate updates on educational policies, regulations, or guidelines issued by the Department of Basic Education or other relevant authorities.
  3. Administrative Matters: Memorandums can cover administrative matters such as school schedules, staff meetings, training programs, or professional development opportunities.
  4. Events and Activities: They may inform students and teachers about upcoming events, competitions, sports fixtures, cultural activities, or field trips.
  5. Safety and Security: Memorandums can address issues related to school safety, emergency procedures, or any specific security measures to be taken.
  6. Academic Support: They may provide information on tutoring services, study resources, or academic support programs available to students.

road to democracy pdf | road to democracy in South Africa essay

(Make sure your introduction is not longer than 5 pages)

One would totally agree with the statement that it was leadership, negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa became a democratic state.For example, Nelson Mandela and De Klerk worked together including ot her organizations to bring democratic South Africa on 1994.

In 1981,FW De Klerk replaced PW Botha as a state president of South Africa and immediately made drastic changes by unbanning political parties and releasing political prisoners.De Klerk made an announcement for the release of Nelson Mandela on 11 February 1990.

This was a huge step taken by De Klerk and it gave people hope that the apartheid was coming to a need.
(Make sure your background is not more than 5 lines).

The National Party(NP) and African National Congress(ANC) delegation met at two locations to discuss the way on how they will work together towards a democratic South Africa. The first meeting was held in 2 May 1990 at the official resident house of Groote Schuur and it was called the Groot Schuur Meeting.

In this meeting, both ANC and NP agreed on ending violence which were occurring in the country and to work together towards the process of negotiations or talks to bring a democratic South Africa.

The second meeting was held at Pretoria on 6 August 1990 which led to an agreement called the Pretoria Minutes. Here the ANC government agreed that they would suspend the armed struggle and the NP government agreed to end the state of emergency. Other major law were removed.

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The Group Areas Act and Registration Population were also removed. This convinced countries that imposed sanctions to S.A and boycotts to stop them. Thus, the leadership and negotiations and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa became a democratic country in 1994.

Although, the violence did not stop in the country between the Inkandla Freedom Party(IFP)and ANC. The IFP supporters attacked ANC on commuter trains which led to almost 573 deaths. It emerged that the NP government handed weapons to IFP supporters to eliminate ANC supporters.

This created a huge distrust between ANC and IFP including NP. Another violence occurred in Sebokeng in hostels when the IFP attacked ANC stronghold and almost 30 people died. Moreover, another violence occurred in Zonkizizwe Township in Germiston Gauteng between supporters of the IFP and the ANC.

The ongoing violence between the ANC and IFP members led to a Seven Day Warat Pietermaritzburg (PMB). Therefore, the violence and uncertainty that confronted South Africa in the early 1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover, the formal negotiations occurred on 20 December 1990 at the Convention for Democratic South Africa(CODESA1)at Trade Work Centreat Kempton Park. Nineteen political organizations including UNO and the Commonwealth.

Even though talks sometimes broke down the Declaration of Intent was signed. It was agreed that South Africa should be an undivided country. Free from apartheid, discrimination, and all other forms of prejudices.

This also led to the accountability of a meeting by four groups that were preparing for the future meeting which was CODESA2 which was to be held on May 2.

The PAC and PC boycotted against the CODESA. The IFP and the Independent Bophuthatshwana did not sign it because the request for an extra delegation for the Zulu King was refused. Therefore, compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa became a democratic state in 1994.

Furthermore, DeKlerk called for a white-only referendum on1991. Here DeKlerk wanted to see if the white people were still with him from the negotiations he had started making from 1990 to change South Africa.

The majority voted positive and it was clear that he should continue. This gave people hope that apartheid was coming to an end. Thus, the compromises also ensured that South Africa became a democratic country in 1994.

CODESA2 occurred on May 1991.It was agreed that the SABC should present a neutral view of the negotiations on television. The NP and ANC did not agree on major power-sharing like power-sharing, majority rule, and regional powers. The NP still wanted a major place from the government and the ANC did not admit on that.

The ANC and NP did not come to a consensus solution on how they will end the violence in South Africa. As a result, ANC and COSATU walked out of the negotiations and called for a mass rally to force government to compromise.

Therefore,it was leadership,negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa become a democratic state.

Even though the official negotiations had ended but the unofficial negotiations continue between Cyril Ramaphosa and Roef Meyer. The Record of Understanding was signed between Cyril Ramaphosa of ANC and Roef Meyer of the NP.

This committed and encouraged South Africa to work together again towards the negotiations.Moreover,Joe Slovo came up with Sunset Clause on April 1993.The Sunset Clause allowed the National Party government until 2000.It also protected the security jobs for whites people for more than 10years.

Therefore, the commitment and compromises among various leaders ensured that South Africa become a democratic country in 1994.

Moreover, the violence did not end between IFP and ANC. The ANC attacked the squatter camps of the ANC near the township of Boipatong in Gauteng and almost 49 people died.It was said that a white man was the one who handed over the Force Defence Agency to cause violence and chaos.

The ANC called for a march to the Cickel to protest against homeland leaders.Here almost 79 people died and 200 people got injured when they were trying to break through the police barriers.

The assassination of Chris Hani almost stopped the negotiation process of the elections.Chris Hani was a General Secretary of the Communist Party(CP) and he was assassinated on1993 by members of the Military Wink.

There was violence and chaos in the country after his assassination. DeKlerk realized he could not deal with this anymore and called for Nelson Mandela to address the issue.

Mandela addressed that on national television they must calm down and stop fighting each other. Thus, the violence and uncertainty that confronted South Africa in the early 1980s almost delayed the process of negotiations.

Moreover, the Multi talks began on 1993April1. It was said that the date of the election was going to be 27th April 1994 on this meeting which was held at World Trade Centre. Furthermore, the AWB and Volk front stormed the World Trade Center attempt to disturb the negotiations.

They vandalized the entrance and threatened the delegation. The AWB was killed by the South African Defence Force. The APPLA opened fire on St James Church and killed 11 people.

The IFP marched to Shell House and was killed by ANC security. This led to a Shell House Massacre. Then DeKlerk, Mandela, and Buthelezihada meeting led to the IFP joining the negotiations. Then finally the election held free and fairly.

ANC won the elections and Nelson Mandela became the first president of South African Democratic Country. The elections were held on 27 April 1994. DeKlerk and Thabo Mbeki became deputy presidents. Therefore, the compromises, negotiations and leadership ensured that South Africa became a democratic country in 1994.

To conclude, it was leadership, negotiations and compromises among various leaders that ensured that South Africa became a democratic state in 1994. For example, Nelson Mandela and De Klerk compromised so much working with other organizations to bring democracy in South Africa.
(Your conclusion must be less than lines).

For more information or questions feel free to contact me via Whatsapp or calls to 0729272510(Msawenkosi Chamane)

It’s important to note that the specific content and format of memorandums can vary between educational institutions and the departments responsible for issuing them.

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What role did Nelson Mandela play in democracy?

He was the country’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation.

What are the 6 democratic principles applicable in South Africa?

Quick Facts. In 1994 South Africa became a democracy. South Africa’s new constitution was adopted in 1996. At the heart of the constitution are seven fundamental values: democracy, equality, reconciliation, diversity, responsibility, respect and freedom.

What caused the breakdown of Codesa 2?

However, the second plenary session of CODESA, in May 1992, encountered stubborn deadlock over questions of regional autonomy, political and cultural self-determination, and the constitution-making process itself.

Why South Africa is a democratic country?

South Africa is a parliamentary representative democratic republic, wherein the President of South Africa, elected by parliament, is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. It consists of three branches. The executive branch consists of the President of South Africa and the Cabinet of South Africa.

What are the 5 democratic structures in South Africa?

The government is committed to the building of a free, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, united and successful South Africa.

  1. Legislative authority.
  2. Executive authority.
  3. Legislative authority (provincial)
  4. Executive authority (provincial)
  5. Judicial authority.
  6. Institutional Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (IPME)

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Therefore, it’s advisable to refer to the guidelines and instructions provided by the relevant authorities or the specific institution to understand the memorandum requirements and procedures.

About the coming of democracy in south africa 1990 to 1994 essay pdf download

Note  “Memorandums are distributed through various channels, including email, physical copies, or online platforms. They are important for ensuring effective communication within the education system and informing stakeholders about relevant matters.”

Five (5) important hints to help you pass exams:

  1. Start Early and Plan Your Time: Don’t leave your studying until the last minute. Begin preparing well in advance and create a study schedule that allows for consistent and organized learning. Spreading out your study sessions over time will help you retain information better and reduce last-minute cramming.
  2. Understand the Exam Format and Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the exam format, including the types of questions and the time limits. Review the syllabus or study guide provided by your teacher to identify the key topics and concepts that will be covered in the exam. This knowledge will help you focus your studying on the most important areas.
  3. Review and Summarize: Regularly review your notes, textbooks, and other study materials. Summarize the main points and concepts in your own words. By reviewing and condensing information, you reinforce your understanding and make it easier to recall during the exam.
  4. Practice Past Exams and Sample Questions: Obtain past exam papers or sample questions and practice answering them under exam conditions. This will familiarize you with the types of questions that may be asked and help you manage your time effectively. Analyze your answers and learn from any mistakes or areas of weakness.
  5. Take Care of Yourself: Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. A healthy body and mind contribute to better concentration, memory retention, and overall performance during exams. Avoid excessive stress and take breaks during your study sessions to avoid burnout.

Keep in mind that everyone has their own unique study methods, so it’s important to find what works best for you. Experiment with different techniques and strategies to discover what helps you learn and retain information effectively. Good luck with your exams!

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