Unisa undergraduate prospectus 2024 pdf download

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unisa undergraduate prospectus 2023 pdf download

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Unisa undergraduate prospectus 2024 pdf download

Unіvеrѕіtу of Sоuth Afrіса (Unіѕа) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prоѕресtuѕ carries the lіѕt оf courses, соurѕе іnfоrmаtіоn, саmрuѕ fасіlіtіеѕ, ассоmmоdаtіоn.

UNISA Application Fоrm 2024 PDF Download – Cоurѕеѕ, Fee, Clоѕіng Dates, Admіѕѕіоn Rеԛuіrеmеntѕ. To download the prospectus for the 2024/2025 academic year click here

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Every aspirant who needs to make sure of admission must have the University of South Africa, UNISA Prospectus 2024.

Read this My nfsa application for 2023/2024 best guide

The University of South Africa (UNISA) Prospectus 2024 PDF Download will walk you through all of the steps that every applicant must take during the application process to be accepted…Please visit www.unisa.ac.za prospectus 2024 pdf page to download a copy.

Download UNISA Prospectus 2024 PDF

The University of South Africa Prospectus 2024 has been successfully uploaded online and can be downloaded in PDF format for free using the link provided below.

The University of South Africa Prospectus is also available in PDF format, which you can download and print.

To download the prospectus in PDF format, click the link below, or view it online.

www unisa ac za prospectus | Unіѕа Postgraduate Prоѕресtuѕ

The UNISA Prospectus for 2023 pdf can be accessed and downloaded from the UNISA website or through the link provided below.

1University of South Africa Prospectus 2023 pdf:Download
2UNISA Official website:www.unisa.ac.za
3More Information/EnquiresClick Here

Many first-year students face difficulties when adjusting to a new learning environment. This is especially true for students enrolling in an Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) institution like Unisa. Students at Una study independently and do not attend classes.

Flexible lеаrning. The FYE ntаtvе ensures that you are adequately prepared for your study journey at Unisa.

Below уоu will find the download lіnk tо thе оffісіаl University of Sоuth Afrіса Prоѕресtuѕ 2023 fоr аll асаdеmіс рrоgrаmѕ.

UNISA PROSPECTUS COURSES 2024 PDF | www unisa ac za prospectus

Higher Certificates: UNISA Prospectus PDF 2024 Download

  • Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (98201)
  • Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098)
  • Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
  • Higher Certificate in Banking (98225)
  • Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006)
  • Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences (98237)
  • Higher Certificate in Education (90093)
  • Higher Certificate in Insurance (90013)
  • Higher Certificate in Law (98751)
  • Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences (98366)
  • Higher Certificate in Marketing (98229)
  • Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics (90129)
  • Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences (90101)
  • Higher Certificate in Retailing (90014)
  • Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (90011)
  • Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (90015)
  • Higher Certificate in Tourism Management (98226)
  • Advanced Certificates

Advanced Certificate in Accounting Sciences (90017)

Diplomas: UNISA Prospectus PDF 2024 Download

  1. Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
  2. Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
  3. Diploma in Agricultural Management (90097)
  4. Diploma in Animal Health (98026 – AHE)
  5. Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90130)
  6. Diploma in Civil Engineering (90137)
  7. Diploma in Corrections Management (98218)
  8. Diploma in Electrical Engineering (90138)
  9. Diploma in Explosives Management (98222)
  10. Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
  11. Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90136)
  12. Diploma in Information Technology (98806 – ITE)
  13. Diploma in Law (98750)
  14. Diploma in Local Government Finance (90083)
  15. Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)
  16. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90132)Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Languages (90148 – LAN)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Orientation (90148 – LOR)MTL)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematics (90148 – MAT)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Physical Sciences (90148 – PHS)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Religion Studies (90148 – REL)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Tourism (90148 – TRM)

Advanced Diploma: UNISA Prospectus PDF 2024 Download

  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – CT1)
    Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 – FAC)
    Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 – AUI)
    Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – MA1)
  • Advanced Diploma in Information Resource Management (90007)
    Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90133)
    Advanced Diploma in Mining Engineering (90131)
    Advanced Diploma in Nature Conservation (98028)
    Advanced Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90094)
    Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)

Bachelor Degrees: UNISA Prospectus PDF 2024 Download

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science (98051)
Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (98618)
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (99313)
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (98681)
Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (99312)

Bachelor of Consumer Science (Hospitality Management Stream) (98005 – HOM)
Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (90102)
Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103)
Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Computer Application Technology (90104 – CAT)

  1. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Sciences (90104 – BIO)
  2. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematics and English (90104 – MTE)
  3. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Physical Science and Mathematics (90104 – PSM)
  4. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Religious Studies (90104 – RES)
  5. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Technology (90104 – TEC)
  6. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Tourism and Management (90104 – TRM)
    Bachelor of Information Science (99310)

see this UNISA Online Application Status check 2023/2024