Various Jobs at Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) 2022

Various Jobs at Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) 2022

Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism responsible for conducting and coordinating wildlife research in the United Republic of Tanzania. tawiri job opportunities

TAWIRI Head Office is located at Njiro Hill, Arusha. The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) was established by Act of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania No. 4 of 1980, under the name “Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute” (SWRI), with the overall responsibility of carrying out, coordinating and supervising all wildlife research in the country.

TAWIRI Would like to invite qualified public servant who are interested to join the institute through transfer to apply for following posts:

  • Senior Procurement Officer II
  • Senior Accounts Assistant II
  • Planning Officer
  • Information Communication and Technology Officer II
  • Legal Officer II
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Technician II
  • Field Assistant I
  • Field Assistant III
  • Records Management Assistant II
  • Driver II


Interested Candidates should submit their applications to the following address by registered mail;

Director General,
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI),
P.O Box 661,

Or by email through;,

Deadline for receiving applications in 29th April, 2022