Form One Selection Dar es Salaam 2021

Form One Selection Dar es Salaam 2021

Form One Selection Dar es Salaam 2021. The release of Form one selection Dar es salaam 2021 Follows after the release of standard seven results 2020 by the ministry of education. Parents and Students can check form one selection 2021 and Download Form one selection 2021 pdf: Selection za form one 2021, Selection kidato cha kwanza 2021 through this page : Read the article to know more about form one selection 2021.

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If you are searching for how to to check Form One Selection or from which website you going to check form one selection 2021 or shule walizopangiwa kidato cha kwanza 2021, then you are at right place.

The TAMISEMI is about to officially release the Form one selection 2021 list for Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) candidate nationwide.

Parents and Prospective form one students who wrote the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) few months ago can now check their selection details online thru TAMISE website or the regional council websites.

How to Check form one selection–shule walizopangiwa form one 2021

  • Go to TAMISEMI official website admission portal at
  • Find the announcements tab or MATANGAZO tab on the website MENU, check for any updates related to majina ya waliochaguliwa kidato cha kwanza 2021
  • Finally, click on the available link to confirm your NAME.

You can also Check and Download Form one selection 2021 Tanzania: Full List of form one selected students – selection za kidato cha kwanza 2021 thru the links below

Form One School 2020 – Form One Selection 2021 Tanzania updates
Browse the List of selected Students by Regions


Alternatively visit the official President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government – TAMISEMI website  Or Specific region/district website or you can visit TAMISEMI Official Blog to check their form one seletion results updates and news

Tanzania Education System

The Tanzanian educational system operates on the 7-4-2-3 system: 7 years of primary school, followed by 4 years of secondary school (Ordinary Level) leading to 2 years of Advanced Level. After the 13th year of secondary school students may take the Advanced Certificate exam and attend college for 3 to 4 years.

While the national language in Tanzania is Swahili, English is taught, along with Swahili, Math and Science, in Primary Schools. Secondary School students are only taught in English.

PRIMARY SCHOOL-Form One Selection Dar es Salaam 2021

Tanzanian Primary School, taught in their native language of Kiswahili, is supposed to be free, but the costs of the required school uniforms, school supplies and small school overhead are far beyond many of their means. Students begin in standard one at age 7 and start learning English in standard 3.

The long distance to school for many students (most are much further away than the recommended 3 to 5 kilometers), responsibilities at home, poor health and funding, prevent many children from attending primary school.

National exams are required to move forward beginning after standard 4 and a passing score on the standard 7 exams determine where the student will be placed in secondary school.

Students with the best scores and funding may go to boarding schools, usually very far from home, while students with lower passing scores may go to local day secondary schools which can still be very far but less expensive.

SECONDARY SCHOOL-Form One Selection Dar es Salaam 2021

Secondary school is partitioned into standard, Form 1 – 4, and progressed, Form 5-6 and is instructed in ENGLISH! Understudies who don’t learn English well in primary school don’t prevail in secondary school.

In spite of the fact that the conditions are as yet unforgiving in secondary life experience schools with not many school supplies, books and extended periods in class and necessities to perform errands, for example, cutting grass and gathering kindling, they are favored over day schools.

Secondary day schools require the understudies to do schoolwork in unsatisfactory conditions at home and travel a significant stretch to will school and back which is very perilous, particularly for the young ladies, who will regularly be “assaulted and mishandled” while in transit to class. Consequently numerous young ladies don’t proceed with their schooling in secondary school.

Understudies who finish structure four tests may move onto Advanced Secondary School which are generally all inclusive schools and more costly. The test results direct the school the understudy may go to which is picked by the public authority.

Understudies who pass structure 6 (division 1 being the most noteworthy and division 4 the least) may proceed onto University. The public authority will allot the University for the understudy and may advance as much as 75% of the educational cost for those with division 1 outcomes. Colleges are 3 years.

Understudies who bomb structure 4 or structure 6 tests may go onto an Advanced Vocational School and can prepare to be a head primary School instructor in addition to other things.