Job Opportunities at Jambo For Development (JFD) Tanzania 2022

Job Opportunities at Jambo For Development (JFD) Tanzania 2022

Jambo for Development (JFD) works with schools, children, parents, institutions, and local and central government officials to further its mission to use innovative Life Skills Games, creative sports, and games to empower children and youth in Kagera Region, Tanzania to
achieve gender equality and improved health (HIV/AIDS awareness, water, and sanitation) and education outcomes. Job Opportunities at Jambo For Development Tanzania


The JFD programmes focus on improving existing infrastructure, training teachers, and organising sports competitions for children. JFD’s innovative “Life Skills Games” concept offers children a unique ‘learning by doing’ experience and imparts a range of essential skills that include interpersonal, decisionmaking, critical thinking and self-management skills creating increased awareness and confidence.

The teacher training component of the programme imparts teachers with knowledge and tools to help raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and further develop the pupils’ social and physical skills. Job Opportunities at Jambo For Development Tanzania

Jambo for Development and its pre-cursor and founding organisation Jambo Bukoba, based in Germany, have reached more than 500,000 children by the end of 2020 generating improvements in school examination results moving Kagera to the third position countrywide. Visit us: