Call For Work/Training at TAKUKURU PCCB 2022

Call For Work/Training at TAKUKURU PCCB 2022

Director General of the Institute for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption (PCCB) would like to announce to all people who have applied for 350 job opportunities within the PCCB that the recruitment process has reached the point of going in Preliminary Investigation Training.

The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), is a law enforcement institution established and mandated by the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act No. 11 of 2007 to prevent corruption, educate the society on the effects of this problem, and enforce the law against corruption. Majina ya Walioitwa kwenye Usaili TAKUKURU 2022


Section 5 of this law establishes the Bureau as an independent public body, and Section 7 sets out its functions. The mandate and operations of PCCB are limited to Tanzania Mainland. In the endeavor to combat corruption the Bureau adopts the three-prong approach, namely by prevention, public awareness, investigation and prosecution of offenders.

There are four directorates in the PCCB namely, the Directorate of Investigation responsible for detecting, investigating and prosecuting corruption offenders; the Directorate of Research, Control and Statistics responsible for prevention of corruption in public and private sectors through strengthening systems

the Directorate of Community Education responsible for involving the community in fighting corruption; and the Directorate of Administration and Human Resources which supports the other three directorates by providing them with the right human and other physical and material resources

walioitwa kwenye usaili pccb

Criteria used in finding people who are required to attend training include the following;

  • Participant pass rate in interview;
  • Participant personalities;
  • Surveillance about each participant’s behavior.

walioitwa kazini/mafunzo TAKUKURU PCCB

Important Factors to Consider:

  1. Each participant should attend the Preliminary Examination Training to be held at Moshi Police Academy;
  2. In terms of the position of INVESTIGATION OFFICER each participant should report to Moshi Police Academy on 23.4.2022 on Saturday;
  3. In terms of the role of ASSISTANT INSPECTOR each participant should report to Moshi Police Academy on 25.6.2022 on Saturday;
  4. Instructions on participation in this training are set out in the letter of calling. walioitwa kazini/mafunzo TAKUKURU PCCB
  5. A letter of invitation to attend training has been sent to the address and email of each character.

The Director General congratulates all the successful candidates for the event that training. Issued by;

Mkurugenzi Mkuu,
Taasisi ya Kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa,
Mtaa wa Jamhuri,
S.L.P 1291,
41101 DODOMA.